
Gil Rodrigues coachingNetworking is a skill that doesn’t come naturally to everyone. There are many do’s and don’ts to be aware of. Knowing the good from the not-so-good can make or break any potential deal.

To be sure our network has the quality members to help your business, we work with our members to fully embrace what it means to help others. Those who may be new to networking or feel uncomfortable talking in front of other professionals have the opportunity to learn how it’s done! We have coaching packages that accompany a membership to work on needed skills to become a star networker!

Mixers are scheduled so everyone in the network will have the opportunity to spend time building relationships with one another. The 1-2-1 coaching will be there to support those who need a little help in a live networking environment. Remember, the key to growing your business is realizing “it’s all about the relationships.”

Coaching is available with Gil. For more information click HERE

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